In my very first post, I gave you my recipe for homemade pizza, which involves making the wheat dough from scratch. If you want to do something different or turn that up a notch, may I reco
mmend grilling your pizza.

It's not as hard as it sounds, but if you fail once or twice, don't feel bad. To the right is a picture of my first diasastrous attempt. Hopefully this will help you avoid that. I'll split the tips between charcoal grilling and gas grilling.
Charcoal Grilling - You will need to use fewer coals than normal, and pile them all to one side of the grill. The reason is, you can't cook the pizza over direct heat, or you'll completely burn the crust. So, here's what you do: get the fire ready as normal, just on one side. Make sure the rac
k has nonstick spray on it.

Then, put the dough down in the middle of the grill, rotating after about a minute. Then remove the dough from the grill entirely, flip it over, and add your toppings to the side you just grilled. It should be slightly browned and/or have grill marks on it.
After all your toppings and cheese are on, put the pizza on the grill, on the side opposite of the coals, so it's on indirect heat. Cover the grill and let it cook. Every two or three minutes, remove the cover and rotate the pizza with a big spatula, then re-cover. This will prevent the crust from getting burned on the side closest to the coals. Repeat this process until the cheese is cooked through, and then you should have a delicious, smokey pizza.

Gas Grilling - This pizza will still be delicious, but it will not have quite as smokey a flavor. But the good news is it's easier to cook. Here's what you do: turn all your burners on medium to high heat, and let the grill heat up. Put the dough down on the middle of the grill and cook over direct heat for about two minutes, with the cover on.
Then, turn the middle burner(s) off, remove the dough, flip it over and load up the top
pings. When you put the pizza back on the grill fully loaded, put the pizza in the middle of the grill, over the indirect heat (no burners on underneath it). Keep the cover on, but do rotate the pizza every four or five minutes to prevent burning on the edges. When the cheese is cooked through, you're done.

That's it. Try experimenting with what works best for you. The only way you can screw it up is if you burn the crust, so rotating is key. Good luck!